Sunday, February 08, 2015

Enchanted Polish November, December and Holiday 2014 plus cremes swatches & restock info!

Hi guys!
I hope you're having great weekend so far. I have swatches of all of the latest enchanted Polish releases : the November 2014, December 2014 and Holiday 2014 pre-oder holos as well as both the creme surprise restock trios Sweet Mint, Valentine, Paint it Black, Petal, Malibu and Regal.

More after the jump break...

November 2014 is a dark, warm toned, purple with a strong linear holo. 2 coats.

December 2014 is a sky blue linear holo packed with blue sparkles. 2 coats.

Holiday 2014 is a dark hunter green linear holo with a strong mutichrome shimmer that flashes red to copper, gold and green. 2 coats.

Sweet Mint* is a mint creme with unexpectedly easy application. 2 coats.

Valentine* is a deep red crelly with a slight burgundy hue. 2 coats.

Paint it Black* is a jet black creme. 2 coats.

Petal is a magenta pink creme. 2 coats.

Malibu is a sky blue creme. 2 coats.

Regal is a deep blurple creme. 2 coats.

November, December and Holiday 2014 were sold during the November pre-order but are still available through secondary market for very reasonable prices.

Sweet Mint, Valentine, Paint it Black, Petal, Malibu and Regal were sold during silent restocks but have not been discontinued and should be restocked eventually on the official Enchanted Polish store.

Don't forget the January 2015 & February 2015 pre-order today Sunday, February 8th at 10am PST on (will last for two hours and END at 12pm PST).
Official newletter available here.

*press samples

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