Monday, January 02, 2012

Finger Paints Fun-Fetti and... Happy New Year!!!

I hope you gilrs have had a wonderful time this weekend!
Mine was really quiet, I wasn't feeling so well and I'm still really exhausted as we speak. Not exactly what I had in mind for these 3 days off... Oh well, I did have a beautiful mani all along LOL.

Today, I have for you Finger Paints Fun-fetti, it's not my NYE mani, I'll try and post it very soon, I just couldn't find it in me to go through douzens of pictures and edit/crop/watermark...

This is one coat of Fun-Fetti over a black creme plus topcoat :

If you're curious about how Fun-Fetti compares to the other Deborah Lippmann Happy Birthday look alikes, AllYouDesire has posted a quick comparision :

Well, that's it for today, I wish you all the best year ever! May all your dreams come true.

Any new year's resolutions?
Mine : try and answer more comments! I truly appreciate each and every one of them but seriously lack time to reply.
Big hugs girls!


  1. Love it layered over black.

  2. That's a very festive and perfect mani for NYE. I particularly like how the little red glitter sticks out over the edge. :D

  3. We were almost manicure twins for NYE! :) Only I used Rainbow Connection. It's lovely. :)

  4. Oh my god, I seriously need one Fun-fetti for me...'cause I don't buy OPI anymore!
    Beautiful! ;-)

  5. Super cute! I like the finger in the close up with a bunch of blue in the middle! My friend and I saw a rainbow glitter like this that had a lot more blue than Rainbow Connection and Fun-fetti, but derp derps that we were, we passed it up that day and regret it!

  6. It's dazzling & luxurious!!! I love this kind of glitter!
    Well, I hope you get well soon =D
    Rock Ur Outfit

  7. Glittery ;0). Love it!! Get better soon!

  8. I love it! Even though it wasn't yours, it would still make a fun NYE Manicure! Happy 2012!

  9. So much fun! I recently discovered FingerPaints and they are a lovely brand.

  10. Pretty! These confetti glitter polishes are always good to transform a manicure :D

  11. Beautiful! I love this glitter, it's amazing and looks fabulous on you. :) Happy New Year!

  12. I don't have this polish but have Happy Birthday by Deb. Lippmann which was the inspiration for a lot of these multi shade glitters. It's fun and perfect for new years!

  13. Such gorgeous glitters! Happy new year!

  14. This is really pretty! Love your macro shots. I love Wish Upon A Rock-Star so I definitely love Fun-Fetti! Happy New Year!

  15. Happy new year! :D My resolution was to switch from coffee to green tea and so far it's going great! I also resolved to post more often but the weather has really been against me. *freezing* I'm looking into lighting that could allow for indoor photo taking. <3

  16. I am relatively new to the site and i love your manicures. I NEED to know how you get your nails so perfect! If there is a previous post where you talk about it, please lead me there. Thanks...

  17. This finger paints color looks a lot like OPI rainbow connection!

  18. @Nik I published a post with my manicure routine a while back. Here's a link :
    I hope it'll help! xoxo
