Monday, October 31, 2011

Trip to Holland, day 1 : Amsterdam!

I told you I would spam you with pictures of my trip in Holland, so here they are. I promise they're (almost) all nail polish related ;-)

Yesterday, for my first day in The Netherlands, we went to Amsterdam. If you're Dutch, these places will definitely look familiar to you but if you aren't, well I hope you'll enjoy them anyway.

First we went to the Make Up Store

Of course, they had the whole nail polish line, but I already had the holos so I didn't get anything

They had craaazy eyelashes though!

Then we went to H&M

They had mini sets that read "say no to racism", I did have to get those

We also hit up the Koh store in Dam Square, I just loooove Koh!

And finally we had dinner in a japanese restaurant I had never heard of before : Wagamama
I had teriyaki sauce fried noodles with grilled salmon, delicious

That's not exactly all we saw, we also went to Inglot, MAC and high end brands counters but unfortunately I couldn't take pictures of everything...
All in all, I was very reasonable today but we had a really good time, perfect for a first day.


  1. More than the food, the Koh shelves make me drool! Wow!

  2. Nicely done! Looks like you had fun. We have Wagamama here in Australia and I just love it. Yum!

  3. Everything about this post is amazing!!! I hope someday I can go see these places and maybe eat that yummy looking dinner, too! :D

  4. jealousssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

  5. I live in The Hague and I never heard about this Make up Store. Is it a chain ? What's their price range ?

  6. @ Lise
    I´ve been there and the prices are high. Don´t remember exactly, but I think it was around 10 euro a piece.

  7. @Lise yes it's a chain, a bit on the expensive side, like MAC or Inglot for example. They have a website and an online shop in Holland apparently, here it is :

  8. @Liz (Beauty Reductionista) That Koh shelf was really something! I'm going to another store that carries Koh today, I'll try and pst some other pics if tey let me take them.
    Hugs from Holland! :D

  9. @olgiepolgie Yum indeed! Everything they do is freshly made so that was great, I aso had an amazing smoothie with apple, orange and passion fruit. Maybe you had it too.

  10. @TA well it's hard to resist in front of so many polishes, especially if you're a np addict, or a blogger (wanting to share them with your readers). I'm both, poor wallet... ;-)

  11. Thank you so much Lauren I really hope too, xoxo

  12. Why eating chinese in Holland? I mean, there should be some more-Dutch-traditional food!?!?

  13. Årh, hvor er han sød :)
    Og rigtig søde negle! Passer perfekt!

  14. Welcome in Holland, is it your first time here? Hope you have a good time and love to see your view on my country :).

  15. Where are you going next? Anywhere you go there is a Kruidvat, a deparmentstore that sells essence, catrice etc

  16. owww! really love polish stands, heaven for a polish enthusiast :)

  17. I have about 8 Dior nail polish and I really like them ! I'm just a beginner

  18. Great photos! I'd probably go bankrupt in KOH store.

  19. Yes Deborah that's my first time here in Holland and I'm really loving it so far. Everybody's being really nice, including the SAs in all the stores we went to.
    Of course I already had a very good first impression with my Dutch friends but I'm really having the best time ever!

  20. @You Nailed It! the drugstores are definitely on my to go to list, some nail products wholesellers too and maybe more Koh and Dutch brands.

  21. @JenMei Dutch food is really heavy, lots of potatoes and meat and that's not really dinner appropriate IMO. But I do take a Dutch breakfast everyday and it's really been yummy!!!

  22. Welcome to Holland, and lots of fun!
    love the pictures

  23. Hope you enjoyed Holland :) Did you visit skins cosmetic lounge? they sell some awesome brands.

    If you ever need shopping advice let me know ;)

  24. Cool stuff, specially the last photo made me hungry ;)
