Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"Les Jeans" de Chanel Swatches and Review

This year's limited-edition trio pack created in celebration of Fashion's Night Out, consists of denim-inspired nail shades : Blue Rebel, Blue Boy and Coco Blue.

Blue Rebel, the darkest lacquer, recalls the inky dye used to create dark-wash jeans — an iconic fashion staple and an essential part of every modern woman's wardrobe.

Blue Boy, the deep, rich blue of denim is captured in this trend-defining hue, to make fingernails reflect the fashionable and quintessential cool of jeans and heels.

Coco Blue is the ultimate in relaxed sophistication. This muted blue tone can be worn with the same effortlessness as a favorite pair of softly faded jeans.


Blue Rebel is a beautiful dark, muted blue with hints of grey. Formula was really surprising, I didn't expect it to be this sheer on the first coat but the second one built up opacity perfectly, a dream to apply.

Blue Bloy has the exact same formula as Blue Rebel. Let me say right now how much I love this polish. The perfect shade of medium greyed out blue, with a touch of dustiness and tiny hint of purple, sigh...

Coco Blue is the one I was the most curious about. At first, I didn't expect it to be a shimmer from the rare infos that managed to sneak out on the internet and I must say that I think I would have prefered a creme. You probably know that pastels, in this case baby blue, usually have terrible formulas. Well, Coco Blue isn't perfect but it is manageable... If you make sure to use thin coats. I'm not sure I love it on me, I think it's too warm for my skintone but it is a nice shade anyway. This is 2 coats here.

Overall :
Although I absolutely love Blue Rebel and mainly Blue Boy, I'm not sure this year's FNO trio could reach an Iconic status like some of its predecessors... And of course, the price tag, especially since the increase, is a critera that shoud be taken in consideration, probaby making the collection a huge pass for a majority of nail polish lovers.

What do you think? Did you get Les Jeans, or any of them? Are you looking for dupes?

*these products were purchased by me*


  1. They're all really pretty colours, but I can't imagine spending this much on a nail polish! Maybe I'll just come back to this post and look at your nails every now and then. ;)

  2. You are absolutely killing me with these pics. I thought I'd conquered my lemmings, but your immaculate nails have resurrected them! I'm dangerously close to heading over to Chanel tomorrow morning to decide which one to buy...

  3. They are all so beautiful! I wish I could pull off creamy colors like this. You wear them so well.

    Coco blue is my favorite I would love to find a dupe for that

  4. I love coco blue but the price tag breaks my heart. Gorgeous swatches. Thanks for sharing.


  5. I like the collection but for the price it didn't deliver on uniqueness for me--I love cremes but there are too many good blue ones floating around out there (and in my collection!) to justify buying one polish for the price of many average priced polishes.

    That said, I love love love light blues and I love the name Coco Blue, and the Neiman Marcus nearest to me was one of the few who got the collection (thus circumventing an $8 shipping charge for one polish from, so I did pick up that one. I haven't worn the Chanel yet but in my collection OPI What's With The Cattitude? looks most similar to Coco Blue, but of course it is a creme, not a shimmer.

  6. Thanks for these swatches!
    I love the Chanel nail polish, but in this case, although the beautiful colors, are colors have already seen and reviewed, is not it?

  7. I want them all!!! I'm a sucker for blue polish. and these are so pretty. but to pricey for me!

  8. I want them all, but Coco Blue is the best.

  9. After all the swatches I have seen for this collection, not one made me want these until your swatches. Amazing! And I'm not even a blue person.

  10. Blue Boy is perfect! I want it so badly but I can't justify the price. I hope there is a dupe out there...

  11. I was all set to get blue rebel and blue boy but saw they raised the price to $29! I just couldn't do it! But man I love those two-so pretty

  12. I like them... but would NEVER pay for them. I can get the same (or very close) much much cheaper!

  13. they're so gorgeous! i love blues, but my wallet doesn't really like chanel. *le sigh

  14. Wow these are so pretty, but I honestly don't own any chanel polishes. I just think they are so horribly overpriced and then when I saw the price increase I thought - holy you know what batman! Blue Rebel is amazing but there are also so many more polishes I'm interested in buying throughout the season I can't justify they hefty price tag. Your pictures are beautiful btw :)

  15. i purchased blue rebel and blue boy and loooove them -- they apply like butter and are gorgeous! i also would have preferred coco blue if it were a creme, but the shimmer put me off enough not to purchase it.

    i can't say i think the collection necessarily warrants the price increase (unlike, say, the moscou collection or jade -- was jade also increased? -- or gold fiction), but i do love both blue rebel and blue boy enough not to begrudge it too much!

  16. I honestly can't get into the Chanel Blues. The only one that marginally makes me look is Coco Blue, but even then it makes me look twice. Nothing more than that.

    I'm glad I didn't purchase these. I'd rather get 3 bottles of Peridot than any from this collection. ><

  17. Mmmmm, blue boy and coco blue are amazing. Too bad they are to expensive for my student budget but I will try to find some cheaper dupes

  18. I managed to get the last Blue Boy from Selfridges in Manchester the other day and I must say I Love the Colour!! Wasn't keen on Blue Rebel becos of the darkness & had a similar colour! This applies to Coco Blue as well!! But if I would recommend one it would have to be Blue Boy!!

  19. I can't imagine spending this much on a nail polish!

  20. he weblog was how do i say it… relevant, finally something that helped me. Many thanks

  21. I love the swatches, I have been drooling for them since blue is my fave but its just much to expensive! Thank God that Nubar made almost exact dupes in their new jeans collection for only $19!
