Tuesday, May 03, 2011

setting things right

Yesterday I received my first "hateful" comment... It got me thinking and I knew I had to share it with you all. I was anonymously accused of taking credit for another nail boarder's work and of using a franken recipe that wasn't mine without saying so in my Aurora post. In the blogosphere, basically it's just calling me a thief!
You can both read the post and comment here.

If you're familiar with MUA's nail board, you probably know that there's been an OPI My Private Jet franken recipe passed along recently, it's a black holo franken and the recipe is :
half OPI DS (original, sapphire,...)
and half Wet'n'Wild Black which is a one coater black.

My Aurora recipe is :
1/2 of OPI DS Sapphire
1/4 of a jelly black (or a 2 coater), I used OPI Black Onyx
a few drops of solid grey and purple but one at a time
I used 4 drops of Gosh Miss Grey and 3 drops of American Apparel African Violet

I don't think these are the same at all, just like I don't think that a dusty purple nail polish is similar to a black one, or else Essie Smoking Hot and Illamasqua Boosh would be dupes... I might be color blind after all...

Anyway, most of all, I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you that I decided to feature Franken Fridays posts, I'll simply call them #FF.
They'll be quick posts, without much blah-blah, just lots of pics and sometimes recipes but not always. And in case you're wondering, I'm not pretending I invented the Franken Friday concept, LOL.

Has it ever happened to you, the wrongful accusation, the mean comment or the depreciation of your work?

*photo credit : Alice Kim*


  1. ooh evil angel back at it agian.

  2. Why do you even give a shit! This person is not worth of your anger! Just chill! ;)

  3. Don't worry, there will always be haters. My friend and I usually just tell ourselves that they are jealous - that way, it boosts our self esteem! Ha ha ha! But in all seriousness, it's not worth your time. You obviously put a lot of work and effort into this blog - it's yours, be proud of it!

  4. @Irena B @annie I don't really care for this comment but since it was anonymous, I figured the reply was worth the front page LOL. Thank you so much girls for your support, you're totally right haters just gotta hate.

  5. Hi!! do not worry about it! Im from Brasil and in the flickr i see a lot of brasilians girls reclaim about that..there are a lot of people jealous! you do not need to take them seriously.

    kisses from Brazil;)

  6. Just let it roll off your back. I know it's hard to do. You made a beautiful franken.

  7. You do have to realize that the person was anonymous which means that they have no back up to their claim and they KNOW it.

  8. I agree with all the prior posters here - it was an empty accusation! I just stumbled upon your blog because I saw the picture of the cat posted on another's blogroll, lol, and it got me here. Adorable cat (is it yours?) and, I must say, the holo franken that unleashed the fury of the spineless internet flamer is MIND BLOWINGLY GORGEOUS!! Congrats!

  9. Thanks girls "again" for the support, you're all totally right.
    @Jessica I really wish it was my cat but for various reasons I can't have one now. I grew up with cats and I love them, some of my best childhood memories were with my little kitty. Thank you for the compliment about the franken too! I'm glad you like it.

  10. Awww! I'm so sorry that happened to you. :( I don't blog or franken so I haven't had that specifically happen to me...

    But I do remember this one incident in the eighth grade (in 1996) when I got a science test back and the teacher had scribbled a rant in the margins. It read something like "In all six of my classes, there were only TWO people who decided to answer this question this way and they JUST HAPPEN to sit RIGHT NEXT to each other. Hmmmm, I wonder how this could be??"

    I honestly had no idea what she was talking about. I had to ask around to even figure out who the other girl who got that comment was -- she actually sat in front of me. But this particular teacher had a system where she would rotate the seating chart every couple of weeks so you weren't ever with the same people... and it actually happened that at the time of the test, the other girl and I actually sat on the other side of the room from each other. No way we had cheated - it was just pure dumb luck that we had the same take on that question.

    So... even though I didn't do anything wrong, 15 years later it still stings. It's rotten to be accused of cheating when you've been honest.

  11. I say good for you for calling out the anonymous commenter. They shouldn't get away with hiding behind "anonymous" while making false accusations. I didn't even know what a "franken" is and had to look up your posts and just came across the comment that you wisely chose to address instead of deleting. It sounds like a case of jealousy... which is like a boomerang that just turns around and hits them back instead of the intended target. ;)

  12. Anyone who is too afraid to leave their name is not worth listening too. I really love your blog! Keep up the good work!

  13. @Violet912 That"s exactly what I was talking about. I'm sorry you had to go through that, sometimes people do or say nasty things that you can remember your whole life, argh... "haters"
    @Liz (Beauty Reductionista @jcbaray That's the main reason I published this post, because it was anonymous.
    Thank you all so much for taking off of your time to comment.

  14. Good on you for calling them out! People are so hateful sometimes, and the anonymity of the internet seems to embolden the most hateful among us.
    Don't give that person another thought; clearly, she has no life.
    You nails, your blog, and your franken recipes are all gorgeous. I check in every day!

  15. I'm not educated in the world of frankens, however being wrongly accused is really hurtful! I agree with some of the previous commenters--- I'm glad you decided to call them out and deal with it in a constructive way! Hopefully this will help Anonymous and others think carefully before posting something that could potentially hurt others =)

  16. You know, I hang out on NB, I've seen the MPJ recipe (which I've never seen anyone else get reamed out for making) and it NEVER crossed my mind that this was "the same". I mean, yeah I see the same base, using an OPI DS, but I don't think anyone has rights on that. Your franken is gorgeous and I haven't seen another one like it. In fact, I think it's way more gorgeous than the MPJ copy :)

  17. Hey, laisse tombeer ça vaut pas la peine. Ca m'est pas arrivé encore, mais je ne fais pad de frankens non plus:)

  18. Don't let one black dot on a perfectly good piece of paper bother you!

    What I mean is: You've got a wonderful blog, beautiful swatches (gorgeous nails!!), and a good eye for frankens (it's hard to make a recipe already!).

    The good comments outweigh the bad one by a ton. Keep posting and enjoying!

  19. Since I don't have a blog, I can't say that I've been through the same thing, but being a rabid-blog reader, I've seen that happen way too often. Some people have that "uncalled-for Robin Hood" syndrom and want to call justice (for whom?) upon bloggers to give themselves an online importance. And of course, they always go anonymous, how bold.
    Somehow, I consider it as a proof of quality and growing fame that you should have haters ;)

  20. you have beautiful nails and do a stellar paint job.

    I don't understand what would be wrong with you or anyone copying a recipe or look... I do it all the time and I state it in my posts. My whole goal is to share ideas, isnt that what blogging is?

  21. What I don't get, what if you didn't KNOW there was another recipe (that's way different, but what ever) and you couldn't give credit because you ALSO made it up by yourself, and by coincidence it was already thought of? It would have been nice if the anonymous commenter would have ASKED if you knew this was "the same". Innocent until proven guilty is normal for me!

  22. elle doit vraiment rien avoir à faire celle qui t'a écrit ça... erf... toutes les autres, on t'aime alors continue mais fais le parce que tu aimes ça et pas pour nous faire plaisir !
    j'aime ce que tu fais (je radotte mais bon...)
    bizoux !

  23. Sorry to hear that! And no, I do not think they are the same at all!!! Weird..

    But thankfully, I have not had such experience on my blog.

    But I love your posts and I would definately like to see more frankens and recipes in the future. Especially, when they are as gorgeous as Aurora.


  24. I'm so sorry to hear this, I don't the formulas are the same at all.

  25. weird people.... don't worry about that ... it's a small thing
