Wednesday, May 04, 2011

OPI Movin'Out, a mutichrome dream come true

A couple of months ago, Movin'Out caught my eye on Marie's blog Mon Coin A Moua. I thought I had to get it but since I was on a holo quest, I decided to postpone the purchase. Then a few days ago, Jen from tweeted about it and it reminded me to buy it quickly before it really became hard  to find.

Movin'Out was released in 2003 as part of the Holiday on Broadway collection. It's a sheerish purple multichrome base with fine color changing shimmer particles.
Remind you of something?

All the pictures below are with one coat of Movin'Out over black, both base and topcoat.

OPI Movin'Out

OPI Movin'Out

OPI Movin'Out

OPI Movin'Out

Now that I've shown you its boring side, here's the mutichrome awesomeness :

OPI Movin'Out

OPI Movin'Out

OPI Movin'Out

OPI Movin'Out

OPI Movin'Out

I don't know about you, but I'm 100% positive that the shimmer in Movin'Out is the same as the one in Clarins 230! I'm not saying that it can replace 230 because I think that 230's base color is more sheer and allows more layering possibilities but if you can't or don't want to buy 230, Movin'Out is going for $10 on eBay...

I "tried" to make a quick video of the shimmer in Movin'Out, it's my first so please be indulgent ;-)

Overall :
Movin'Out is definitely a must have in my book for any multichrome lover. The shimmer's color change reminds me of a sunset, it's beyond gorgeous.
I have a few more OPIs from the Holiday on Broadway collex, I'll try and post them soon. I think I spotted the same shimmer in Man Of La Mancha...


  1. looks great on you! I'm glad you decided to pick it up too, it's a fab polish!

  2. @Jen Thanks sweetie, if it wasn't for you, I'd probably have remembered to pick it up way too late!

  3. I definitely want this. Everyone who sees this will probably be buying it. Looks gorgeous on you.

  4. Wow, this is amazing! I'm not really into multichromes but I can imagine how excited people must be for this. The video is great!

  5. gorgeous! Just convinced me to grab this off ebay- can't wait till it arrives!

  6. I totally used this yesterday! I layered it over white... :D Pinkie goodness!

  7. so beautiful. watch the ebay scalpers catch on and raise the price on this one :(

  8. Gorgeous!!! Absolutely love this polish, I have a thing for duo/multichromes, but mostly for the blue shades. Somehow everything lookes good on those fab nails of yours LOL. First I "had" to buy Clarins 230, after watching your post about is, now this??? What a great idea to do a vid, it truly captures all it's beauty!

  9. Thanks, now I MUST own this. LOL

  10. Hi. I'm your new follower! This is absolutely beautiful!!!

  11. Hi girls, I'm happy you like the review and thanks for not being too critical on the video LOL
    @Enamel Girl Hi, thanks for following me, I was one of your followers too ;-)

  12. hi! VERY pretty polish!!! I "awarded" you the Kreativ Blogger Award, you can see it on my blog: !

  13. Oh this is gorgeous, I need to add this to my list :)

  14. Just snapped this up on eBay, I had to have it after seeing your gorgeous pictures! I hope it looks as great on me as it does you. :)

  15. oh my gosh !!!
    bon en voilà un autre qu'il faut que je trouve ! ta vidéo est splendide, merci !
    à quand une photo de groupe avec tous tes précieux ?
    bizes et encore merci !
