Sunday, May 01, 2011

Bootie Babe : a fun new nail polish brand

Today I received an email announcing the launch of a new San Fransisco based nail polish company.
Bootie Babe's first offering will be a line of 12 shades.

The man behind the brand, Mark OʼHara, President and CEO of SuperBooty LLC, explains his reasoning behind the development of the Bootie Babe brand:

“As the lead vocalist for SuperBooty, San Francsicoʼs wildest 15-piece dance band, I know how to raise a few eyebrows and make some noise. I wanted to create a consumer product line with some humor and an edge, and what better way to do that than with bootie shaped bottles?”

OʼHara hopes that his products will become “collectible” items rather than something to use and then discard.

He states, “Part of the Bootie Babe concept is for our customers to decorate the bottles with beads and other materials. In fact, weʼre currently developing a line of miniature cloth bikini bottoms.”

Pre-orders will be accepted online until Bootie Babeʼs Grand Opening on June 1st, 2011. Nail Polish will retail online for $9 plus $4 shipping and handling.

Bootie Babe's nail polishes are big 3 free and the brand is strictly against animal testing. You can visit their website here.

This is NOT a paid topic or sponsored post, for more information, please refer to my disclosure policy.


  1. I'm not sure what to think of the dressing-part of the bottles, LOL, but I'm always up for trying a new brand ;) I hope their main focus is the quality of the polish and not the bottles, even though it's fun to see something new in that department.

  2. Hmmm, I don't know about these, are those the actual bottles in your pics? if so the brush handle looks stubby, and how are you supposed to get the polish that is in the "leg/thigh" portion of the bottle. I guess I would have to see them in person.

    I also think that they could have had some more fun with the names! I wonder what the formula would be like.

  3. Hmmm, I don't know about these, are those the actual bottles in your pics? if so the brush handle looks stubby, and how are you supposed to get the polish that is in the "leg/thigh" portion of the bottle. I guess I would have to see them in person.

    I also think that they could have had some more fun with the names! I wonder what the formula would be like.

  4. Seriously? O.o I'd probably want at least one just because the bottles are hilarious! I'm very curious as to the quality of the polishes. Nfu-Oh's bewbie bottles work because the polishes are awesome :)

  5. whooa. At first I thought this was a late april fools joke. :p I like that the company wants to take a light hearted approach but I think this has gone a little awry. I viewed their website and everything was crocked. I know that is part of the "fun" but I think it's a little strange. Guess we'll just have to see how the product it!

  6. @Danielle
    I was wondering about the brush too! It seems like it would be wasteful, not being able to access the polish at the bottom of the thighs... lol

  7. @Danielle @Hayley You girls crack me up LOL
    I'll be placing an order soon, I'll let you know as soon as I have a bottle in my hands.

  8. Hi ladies thanks for all your comments.

    The reason we started working on the mini bikini bottoms for the bottles is that having them there will probably the only way that we will ever get into Walmart and Target :0 And even then probably not...

    We have made sure to purchase high quality lacquer and tested it against some major brands and found that it went on better and lasted longer so hopefully everyone will be happy with the quality.

    Regard the brush not going down to the bottom of the leg - it was really a design decision we had to make. We really wanted the legs to be separated and so we had to sacrifice "ease of use"

    We realize that having the tilt the bottle to get that last bit of polish is sort of a pain, or may not work at all, but hey, it's a friggin' bootie shaped bottle!

  9. I love these, the concept is really awesome!
    As for the rest, of course it might not be the most economical bottle shape but I've never used a whole bottle anyway so I don't mind. I think I'll make an opinion once I see swatches and reviews about formula and wear but for now I'd say give the brand a chance and not be too hasty, they must have put a lot of work, money and energy it the project...

  10. Hopefully these will be a good brand of polish. I'm not going to waste money dressing up a polish bottle. I want to dress up my nails. I'll reserve my opinion when I see these swatched.

  11. @alicia

    thanks alicia - your kind words are most appreciated...

    you are correct in regard to the amount of work that's gone into developing this product. We actually started about a year ago (ouch!).

    Our bottle manufacturer in China told us that the bootie bottles are the most difficult shape they've ever had to make - go figure!

  12. I don't see a lot of die-hard polish fanatics purchasing this just for a "bootie-shaped bottle." Maybe one bottle, as a joke, but if the polish isn't anything unusual and you can't even reach 30% of it... I don't see the appeal. If I want a sexy bottle shape, there's always Nfu Oh, with a superior product, huge range of colors, and a user-friendly design that doesn't waste a large percentage of product. Also, dressing up the bottle is something I think little girls would be more interested in, and the product concept is definitely not little-girl-oriented.

  13. hilarious. i so want to dress up my np bottle in bikini bottom! haha. but i admit, baby grape and bootie green shades are quite nice, then again lilac and green are my weaknesses so i would want them even if they have legs and bum. looking forward to seeing some swatches.

  14. For novelty purposes, this is....interesting.If the brand were to release some truly unique and awesome colors like the holos and flakies that Nfu-Oh is known for, I would definitely be more forgiving. These colors aren't bad, but I could get the same colors cheaper and packaged in more practical bottles.

  15. That looks like a fanny, not a bootie! and the cap looks rubbish in regards to ergonomics. I can see these being sold at Spencer's gifts. Does that store still exist?

  16. @Danielle

    Hi Danielle,

    If you want to see the bottles up close go here:


  17. Make a little chair for the Bootie bottle to sit in so the bottle does not have to be tilted when gettting toward the end.

  18. LOL. This looks like something that would come from does their website.
