Saturday, May 21, 2011


I hope everyone's having a nice weekend. I've had a crazy week myself, with computer problems, among other things, so I couldn't swatch and post as often as I would have liked to.
Today I decided to catch up on a couple of awards I received. This will probably be a one time thing though because I don't have a lot of spare time and I already use it all for my blog... But the bloggers who awarded me are so nice and talented, I couldn't risk hurting their feelings. Thank you so much girls for these!

I received the Kreativ Blogger Award from :
Stickers, Nails Wanted

And the Stylish Blogger Award from :
and Ivana, Zabranjeni Grad

I have to share things about myself  and tag a few fellow bloggers :

  1. I don't wear a lot of make up, usually just concealer, foundation, blush and mascara.
  2. If I had to pick a destination for a weekend with one of my friends, I'd choose a big city over a tropical island... Or else how could I possibly go nail polish shopping? (talking like a true nail polish addict here).
  3. I'm hooked on tv series and I watch all sorts of shows : The Good Wife, CSI, Fringe, House M.D, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Vampire Diaries, 90210, Pretty Little Liars,...
  4. I love chocolate, especially dark, but growing up I used to hate it.
  5. I'm a noob in wed design and html but I do everything myself for my blog although it can sometimes takes ages.
  6. I had Lasik Surgery 2 years ago and it totally changed my life.
  7. I'm starting a new job in a week and I have no idea how I'll manage to reorganize my life around it.
  8. I love baking and cooking but it utterly annoys me on a daily basis.
  9. I'm a night owl, no matter what I do, I can't go to bed early.
  10. I'm very faithful, both in love and friendship. I don't let people in easily but once they are,  I could do anything for them.

Phew... that was long... If you've made it this far, I hope I didn't annoy the heck out of you!

So, I'd like to pass along the award to :
Jeanette from The Swatchaholic
Cathy from In Palace
The two sisters from AccroPolish
Kendal from !Kendal
Rachel Marie from Rachel Marie's Nails
Marta from Chit Chat Nails

Girls, I have no idea if you've already received these awards or if you "do" awards so no hard feelings if you choose not to ;-)


  1. Aww, thanks for the tag! My first! :)

    I'm with you on #3, 8, 9 and 10. Vampire Diaries is so fun, isn't it? Love the non-stop action. :)

  2. Thanks Sam! that's really sweet of you! I've received the Kreativ before but this is a first for the stylish! I'll do a post! Thanks again :)

  3. @Liz (Beauty Reductionista) It's sooooo much fun! Right now it's one of the series I'm the most excited abou every week :D
    @Manicured Monkey You're welcome! How could I not think of you?

  4. Thank you so much Sam (yay now I know your name!)! :D

    Good luck with the new job! :)

    I am always out of the loop of knowing who already received an award and who not. Would it be ok if I would add a awards/tags page to my navigation and set up a page for it? I wouldn't tag anyone else though because I don't know who already has been tagged and/or doesn't like tags. :(

  5. @the-swatchaholic Thank you!
    Of course, you can do it any way you like.

  6. Thank you so much for the tag ! It was so much fun to read those facts about you.
    Take care

  7. @Honey_lili I'm happy you had fun reading about me. Gosh... That sounded narcissistic LOL. I'm actually rather secretive so I had to force myself to share a bit about myself. You wouldn't believe how long it took me to write this post ;-)
