Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Something Blue

I'm not really a big fan of wedding collections in general, apart from a job interview last December, I couldn't say when was the last time I wore a french mani... But this year, two nail polishes caught my interest : Essie Borrowed and Blue and OPI I Juggle... Men so I decided to swatch them together as the 2011 unconventional wedding mani ;-)

Essie Borrowed and Blue is a very pale cool baby blue creme. It has a very strong white base and no green or lavender hint whatsoever. It's very flattering on the nail and well pigmented. The first coat applied like a dream, almost full coverage but I had to add a few drops of thinner for the second coat, the polish wasn't streaky but a bit thicker. On the plus side, it dried really fast.

Essie Borrowed and Blue

Essie Borrowed and Blue

Essie Borrowed and Blue

Essie Borrowed and Blue

OPI I Juggle... Men is a rainbow of fuschia, blue and blurple microglitter flecks in a clear base. When the glitter particles don't reflect the light, they have a gold color. This one dried very fast to a very glossy finish. I didn't use topcoat on the swatches below, you'll understand why after the pics.

OPI I Juggle... Men

OPI I Juggle... Men over Essie Borrowed and Blue

Overall : I really love both these blues and the combo even more. But, like I said, be careful with the topcoat you use over OPI I Juggle... Men : a fast drying topcoat like Seche vite and you'll end up with this :


  1. yup! that happened to me to with a FDT!

  2. Borrowed and Blue looks amazing, I must have for me!

  3. Jeez I'm happy to know I'm not crazy or plain clumsy with my manicure: I ruined a beautiful French mani with the finishing coat of Seche Vite!!
    But IJM is such a beautiful layering polish that it's worth the pain :)
    And that blue is really sweet too!

  4. Vraiment joli la combination des deux, mais j'adore le Essie tout simple aussi.

  5. Super beau !! Le bleu essie je l adore .

  6. You know my feelings about baby blue, right? <3 <3 <3 This is so pretty!!! I love them both ways, but the layering just makes it so squishy, so tender.

  7. Love the combo! Looks more like what I picture a spring shade to look like, than a wedding one! So pretty!! :)

  8. It's so beautiful! I must go pick it up! Thanks for the blog post! ^_^

  9. Love that shade of blue from Essie. The collection from OPI is too darn sheer for me.

  10. This is so sweet... a very nice wedding manicure!!

  11. This is such a pretty blue, with or without the shimmery layer. Thanks for the info re: fast-drying top coats. Eeek!

  12. Omg that top coat thing happened to me! I used OPI Rapid Dry Top Coat (I had the color on my toes) and it dragged the design =(
